Marina Abramović made me cry.

44 minutes.

90 minutes.

23 minutes.

6 minutes.

Marina Abramović sits at a table in silence, and museum guests can sit across from her and stare.

“Performance art is about presence. It’s all about energy, which is invisible, in a way. You go through purification, you elevate your consciousness, and that really affects the audience. So, that exact point of danger is what puts my mind and body in the here and now time. The public knows it and they are there with me…I stage this kind of situation in performance in order to get to the point of elevating the mind. But when you elevate your mind, automatically it is transmitted to the public. That’s why it becomes so emotional. This is why people come and cry.”

Marina Abramović: The Artist is Present

A creative soul started Marina Abramović made me cry, a tumblr about it.

People amaze me.

acts of man.

If all that grows starts to fade, starts to falter
Oh, let me inside, let me inside, not to wait
Let all that run through the fields through the quiet,
Go on with their, own with their own hidden ways

When all newness of gold travels far from
Where it had once been,
Born like the earth over years
And when the acts of man
Cause the ground to break open
Oh, let me inside, let me inside, not to wait

Great are the sounds of all that live
And all that man can hold

If all that grows starts to fade, starts to falter
Oh, let me inside, let me inside, not to wait
Great are the sounds of all that live
And all that man can hold

Great are the sounds of all that live

earth day.

There’s no shortage of carbon emitting folks with guilt out there and I suppose that’s how we can account for the popularity of carbon offset programs.  Seems like a good idea in principle.  Take a plane to a sunny destination,  fork over some cash to an organization that will give a percentage of your money to an ‘earth friendly’ program that will neutralize that damage you’ve done.  Everyone goes home happy.  The polluter’s conscience is eased, the carbon offset company make a buck, and the environment benefits from another tree being planted or a windmill being built with your money. 

Sure, it creates a niche where climate change can fits neatly into the market economy, thereby encouraging market development…but i’m not sure it does much more than that.  It’s possible that all it does is distract us from changing the habits that cause us to buy carbon offset credits in the first place.

It’s something…a start.  But I’m not sure it’s good enough. 

[photo via this is heartbreak]


my recent onset of negativity has transgressed beyond its day-long bouts into the realm of my sleep.  yes, it seems as though negativity has decided it will prevent me from sleeping at night (why sleep when you can think about terrible things instead? much more fun) and once it finally gives in and i am allowed to rest for a few short hours, my dreams are usually nightmares.  so in the interest of turning things around, i’m going to create a list of things to look forward to in the semi-near future:

Tom Petty concert (June)

Xavier Rudd concert (May)

Folk Festival (July)

Camping (god knows when…whenever it’s bloody warm enough – oops that’s negative…  correction: in the SUMMER!)

Bike race training

Half-marathon training (for October 17)

Weekend trips to Ontario to visit friends

A well-paying, permanent job with benefits and friendly co-workers

Possibly a trip to Egypt and Switzerland this summer

Do you feel sorry for me yet? Well, don’t.

Things are turning around…

Happy St. Patrick’s Day