things are good

yesterday i got an incredible surprise.  i checked the mailbox when i got home and in addition to the usual bills and junk mail, there was a small package!  inside the bubble envelope i found two pairs of earrings from my dear friend jada.  no occasion, nothing!  she does this from time to time…sends cd’s with pictures, framed photos…  it’s always completely unannounced; never associated with a holiday or a birthday.  she’s just thoughtful year-round.  and i love it. 

tomorrow i’m off to scotland with my cousins to visit my mom (who lives and studies there in the winter months).  it will be their first time in europe and i’m SOOO excited to share that experience with them.  my dad decided to come for a few days too so we’ll all be together to celebrate my mom’s birthday next week.  i’ll be sure to post some photos and stories when i get back.

i’m feeling pretty lucky these days.

goodbye manitoba…for now.

[Spruce Woods Provincial Park, Manitoba by Joel Melcosky]